

This is such a handy acronym. Kristen Lamb talks about it today in her excellent blog Kristen Lamb’s Blog and also in her also excellent book on blogging Are You There Blog? It’s Me Writer, but I’d like to expand on it.  She says she didn’t invent it either, so I don’t feel too guilty for swiping it from her, even though, you know attribution has been made. *grin*

Before you say something (or, you know, Twitter it or email it or Facebook it or whatever) take a moment – especially if you are angry or hurt – and both think and T.H.I.N.K.

Ask yourself if what you’re about to spray out onto the internet (or, of course into your Significant Other’s ear) is






Sometimes a particular communication might well be True, but not Necessary (at this moment) and certainly not Kind or Helpful.

Keeping this little acronym in mind would have kept Anthony Weiner from Tweeting his political into ashes. Well, maybe. It certainly would have saved a relationship or two I can think of.

Frankly, at times I don’t live up to my own standards here. I’m not a paragon of angelic perfection. But at least I try – well, after I’ve had my coffee. Don’t talk to me pre-caffeine. It’s not safe.



6 Responses to “T.H.I.N.K.”

  1. Liz says:

    So very true and a good reminder.

    • MAPC says:

      Thanks for the comment, Liz. It’s a good goal, something to shoot for. Nobody is perfect at it, including Your Humble Pontificating Blog Writer. The world would be a much kinder place if more people would just take a shot at it.

  2. Pre-caffeine tweets are out too lol.

  3. demilo19 says:

    I just read this little bumper of “Instant Human: just add caffeine”. So unbelievably true.

    I like this idea. This past year I’ve had to learn how to use THINK to my advantage. Dealing with some of the people I’ve had to (who often do not THINK) has stretched my skills. Oddly I’m thankful for the opportunity now (although if you asked me then, you’d have gotten teeth gnashing).

    I do however have difficulty with THINK when I comment on blogs or even fics. Why? Because of the necessary – how necessary is it for me to say “WOW, you’re awesome!”

    But then I have to constantly consider that with how much I sometimes like to know that I’m doing a good job.

  4. MAPC says:

    It’s not the easiest thing sometimes, that T.H.I.N.K business.

    A pat on the back? Always a good thing.

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